Certainly one of the best sold plants around the world, with a lot of amazing breeding efforts taken place the past years, hydrangea remains on fashion for decades! It makes it really hard to offer something unique but we managed to do it! Next to our best selling varieties we added new genetics from Agriom that can be offered flowered year around!
Either you place hydrangea in your balcony/terrace or inside your house next to a window, one thing is certain: their colors will get everyone’s attention! Make sure they are not exposed in very dry conditions during warm months without getting acclimatized first!
Cut them back in the end of the summer, or whenever their flowering is finished and next year they will be amazing again! Don’t let them dry out, they hate it, but don’t water them too much as they don’t like wet foot. Some basic fertilization will be beneficial, especially after the flowering season when the plants have given their best to impress you!